Latest News
Please download the renewal form CRC MEMBER RENEWAL FORM 2022 2023, fill it out and mail it back to the PO box or hand it in at the range.

2/5/22 -The next military shoot is programmed for Sunday 5 June starting at 0830. We have access to the range on Saturday as the group usually using the range are away. The shoot follows the usual routine and is over 500 yards.
We need to record your SSAA or HDHC member number along with your licence number if you are not a member of a NSWRA rifle club. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us for a change. The military rifle shoots (along with other club shoots) are listed on the program on Cessnock Rifle Club website for your reference.
25/10/20 - Another successful and fun day today with a 303 competition. And not only 303 as JP showed us how to do it with his 30-06. Next "303" shoot is on Sunday 15/11/20.
6/8/20 - With a view of protecting our membership from the Covid pandemic Visitors will no longer be permitted on Cessnock Rifle Range until further notice.
All licence testing is to be done outside the clubhouse & not when our mainstream competition/practice is taking place.
5/7/20 - Next 303 Shoot is on Sunday 23 August! See 303 Shoot 23 Aug for details.
1/7/20 - Latest program published on Program page. July - December 2020.
1/6/20 - Shooting is back!! Note that strict Covid-19 restrictions will apply on shooting days.
10/4/20 - Yearly membership renewals are now due and must be paid before 15 May. Like Eddie McGuire recently said, without members we do not have a club. So although we are not currently shooting, it is important that members renew their memberships to keep the club alive.
Please download the renewal form CRC MEMBER RENEWAL FORM 2020 2021, fill it out and mail it back to the PO box. Cash payment is not available this year due to range closure. All payments must be by cheque, money order or bank deposit/transfer.
23/3/20 - RANGE CLOSED until further notice as a precaution against COVID-19. Watch this page for further updates.
27/10/19 - 303 Shoot! 8:30am Sunday 10 November. Entry fee $20. A BBQ sausage sizzle lunch is provided. Medals awarded for the first 3 places in each class. Shoot is at 300 yards with two 10 shot stages (2 optional sighters per stage). Shooting commences at 9 am with competitor marking using 303 era 300 yard manual targets. Bring along that Enfield, Mauser, Springfield, etc (must be ex mil rifle) and enjoy a great day with like minded people.
303 shoot will be conducted under the Australian Rifle Clubs Standard Shooting Rules.
Firearms must be presented when entering.
Target Rifle Class - Blade forsight (or other apeerture sights) with sling support in the prone position. Rifle must have military profile barrel.
Field Class - Telescopic sight with rest/bipod support in the prone position. Heavy target barrels allowed.
26/10/19 - We are conducting a practice shoot at 300 yards (using 303 era dimension manually marked paper targets) next Wednesday (30 October) at about 1100 when SSAA and HDHC have completed their shoot. All club members and visitors are most welcome to come along and test out your rifle/ammo etc. Bring along that Enfield, Mauser, Springfield, etc (must be ex mil rifle) and enjoy a great day with like minded people.
26/10/19 - Annual Presentation and "Ham Shoot" commences 9 am on Sunday 15 December. Members and guests welcome. Lunch provided.
13/8/19 - 2019 AGM is scheduled for Saturday 31 August 2019. Follow this link for the agenda: AGM Agenda 2019
10/8/19 - Committee meeting
11/7/19 - The new program for July to December 2019 has been published. Follow this link: Program
6/7/19 - Two new 303 shoots have been scheduled for Sunday 18 August and Sunday 10 November.
29/4/19 - Cessnock Open Prize Meeting will be held on 19 May 2019. Once program is finalised details will be posted on this website.
16/3/19 -Heavy rainfall today (range is saturated) with more to come overnight and tomorrow has forced us to cancel the 303 shoot tomorrow.
7/3/19 - A 303 shoot is being held on Sunday March the 17th at 0900.If you have a Pre 1906 calibre Military style rifle you would like to shoot please bring it,we had a sweet Springfield 30-06 along last time. Mausers, Krags, Mosin Nagants, Swiss straight pulls all welcome.
8/2/19 - The 2019 program is now available on the program page. Click on the link on the left menu bar to view it.
7/2/19 - New website launched. Please email feedback to [email protected]